An expert medical billing company
Provides Comprehensive & High-Tech Medical Billing Services
To Healthcare Organizations & Individuals
We are committed to Deliver Quality service to all clients, regardless of practice size, specialty, or collection & our process includes a vigilant analysis of your practice Clinical & Cash Flows. We provide a time bound solution & support your Practice growth to new heights. Our dedicated professionals are available to provide you comprehensive medical billing services & we serve as an extension of your practice office & help to improve productivity of your administrative / back-office support functions to increase profitability.
key features
& Services
Billing Team
Our dedicated professionals with a blend of experience & expertise ensures clean claims submission for faster reimbursement and minimum denials/rejections. Medical billing rules & regulations are complex and fast changing and we stay on top of these changes. Our Billing Team is always available to provide real time support via email / Call in day-to-day billing & to answer your questions & concerns.

Claim Processing
& Submission
The Claims we enter actually determine the Cash Flow of the practice. We work with all EHR / PM systems and the primary motive is to follow strict quality standards which cuts the room for errors that may lead to Denials. We have a sound experience in handling various medical billing software. We have a simplified & transparent billing process that helps to increase the client’s returns and decrease the medical office outlays.
We ensure error free posting of Payment & Adjustments. We deal with denials, overpayment, recoupment / refunds with proper documentation. Denials posting helps in resolving the reason for denial and prevents future claims getting denied for the same reason. Our posters & denials analytical staff review down coded payments, contractual adjustments and contracted fee-schedule while posting EOB/ERA Payments.

Denials &
Appeals Management
Effective Tracking & Prevention approach enables us to improve clean-claims rate by identifying the denials for corrective action & resubmission. We identify and correct the issues that cause claims to be denied by classifying denials reason, source, cause and other distinguishing factors. Our Team provide a comparative analysis of both full and partial payer denials to improve clinical & financial workflows.
Accounts Receivable (AR) /
Our A/R Follow Up service is designed to increase Revenue Collection & to reduce Accounts Aging. Accounts Receivable directly impacts the cash flow, therefore, we constantly follow up on accounts Aging 25 Days with insurance companies (via web-portals, fax, IVR & Call) to ensure timely payments & quick settlement of Aged & unpaid claims.

Verification Services
Eligibility Verification is an essential phase of Medical Billing Services. Failure to get accurate insurance coverage can result in delayed payments which has a direct influence on the practice cash flow. Our Team ensure prompt & precise eligibility verification to avoid insurance claim denials and to increased profitability.
Credentialing Services
Credentialing with a payer involves too many manual steps, our team completes application forms and submits to commercial Insurances, Medicare and Medicaid. We ensure compliance with standards and follow-ups are performed with insurance carriers to resolve contracting issues for a smooth enrollment as requested by healthcare physicians.

Statement Services
We deploy an efficient team working with Provider / Practice Office to generate and sent out Patient statements to get you paid faster. At the end of the month patient statement reports are generated using PM / HER systems and all statements are reviewed in detail to rectify issues prior to sending the statements to the patients. Our patient Statement service help the Practice in collecting medical fees more efficiently and to ensure quicker payments.
PM / HER systems offers a Customized Reporting capabilities which helps healthcare Providers in creating a more efficient workflow and intelligent insight of the practice performance. Our Follow up & Aging Report are simplified which provide revenue performance and offering a detailed picture of your practice’s financial health.